Wednesday, 31 August 2011

It’s a Choice

The thought of today is short and sweet - we are all leaders. Many people think that their actions are not relevant, and they would never be suitable for a leading position; however, the truth is that we lead each other in one way or another every single day. “Leadership is a process of influence. Anytime you seek to influence the thinking, behavior or development of people in their personal or professional lives, you are taking on the role of a leader.” (Ken Blanchard) Friend giving an advise to another friend. Mother raising her children. Sales assistant helping a costumer. These and many other examples of leadership occur daily in everybody’s lives so now that we know that we are all leaders, it’s time to choose what kind of a leader you are going to be. Loving, kind, serving, one that promotes healthy relationships and growth and well-being of others or the self-centered one?

Sunday, 21 August 2011

My Saviors Love Is Real / OHIO CITY, OH

This past Friday I had a perfect girly morning. Breakfast with the love, and photo shoot and lunch with my girl crush Mary at a quint French restaurant called Le Petit Triangle. The photo shoot was for American Apparel Disco Pant Promotion in Switzerland. Hopefully, everybody will start wearing Disco Pants there now too. I mean, c’mon, why not? And you will be swamped with a large amount of pictures of me and Mary in these pants on my blog pretty soon. As for the French restaurant, it reminded me of my trip to France so much. Probably because every time I travel, I eat a lot. And it always has to be food representing the culture I’m exploring. Actually, my first post was about my trip to France. Le Petit Triangle actually is shaped as a triangle, and the kitchen is right there in front of your eyes. Unless you sit outside. Then we have a problem. Anyway, I have totally fallen in love with this place, and I want to go back as soon as possible.

I’m wearing my new favorite piece of clothing - sheer maxi dress from Urban Outfitters. You’ll probably see more pictures of it because I just have endless ideas of how to style it, and I want to wear it every day.



Mary and I

Mary’s dressing room is so cute, I just had to do some shots in there.

Le Petit Tringle

Le Petit Triangle

Le Petit TrianglePhotobucketPhotobucket

Sheer Maxi Dress - Urban Outfitters

Here’s a song that I have loved for a while now. It’s actually a remix by The XX, and everybody knows they are awesome. One day I was listening to the lyrics really carefully, and, in my opinion, this song is definitely about God. Who else can we refer to as our Savior?

Monday, 1 August 2011

Vegan Leather

Com Truise, Phantogram and Glith Mob was the line up for a show last night at Grog Shop (Coventry, Cleveland, OH). If you know these musicians, I’m sure, you can imagine how awesome it was. Here are some shots.

Vegan Leather Vest - Thrifted and remade

Earring - Thrifted (also seen here)

Bodysuit - American Apparel

Denim - Urban Outfitters

Boots - Jeffery Campbell via Nasty Gal (also seen here)

Com Truise


Glitch Mob
I also took a short video during the show, and here it is. I just wish I had put in more effort so the quality was better. Maybe next time. First is Com Truise, then Phantogram (you can also hear a little bit of their new song), and last but not least - Glitch Mob.