Thursday, 31 May 2012

black and white air


shirt - Old Navy (thrifted) / riding pants - American Apparel / sandals - Dolce Vita / tote - DIY (here) / sunglasses - asos

I’ve always associated the end of May and the beginning of June with graduations. It’s just such an exciting time - everyone looks beautiful, the air smells like flowers and someone dear is receiving an acknowledgment for completing something big and important - their studies. Couple of our friends graduated from college this Monday and this is what I wore. If you follow me on instagram (@karinadej) or twitter you probably already saw that by accident my husband and I looked more like twins than a married couple, but, oh well, I guess that happens. I’ve always loved button-ups, maybe for their masculinity. And I've rediscovered my riding pants. Love when that happens.

How has this summer started for you, babes??

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Friday, 25 May 2012

plain green


shirt - DIY (here) / skirt - American Apparel / tote - DIY (here) / shoes, choker - H&M

Weather is beautiful, life is busy, and I’m really getting into plain green plants. Just on time because we're moving and decorating our new apartment. 

Ciao, babes!

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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

tote / DIY


Maybe you have noticed that I almost never have bags/purses in my outfit posts. The reason is very simple - I do not like most purses. They tend to be too preppy for me. Thus this very raw DIY tote. I mean, I need somewhere to put my lipstick in as well. And this is made to fit my laptop also.

For DIY tote you will need:

-white leather for handles (one of my favorite materials, as you can probably tell)

-any fabric for the body (I chose something that reminded me of a potato bag - raw and simple)

-super glue

-needle and thread (a thin rope in my case)

The handles were made by rolling the leather rectangles and gluing them along the way. Probably the most difficult part of the DIY. The rest seems pretty self-explinatory. As always, ask, if you have questions!

Much love, babes!!

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Saturday, 19 May 2012

Hush Puppies


linen shirt - thrifted / cut-off leggings - old / sandals - Hush Puppies (thrifted)

I hope you’re not getting tired of my running shorts because I’ll be wearing them all summer. And, yes, the white sandals were a total score. Absolutely new leather/rubber sandals for $6. I’m feeling lucky. 

How’s your weekend going, babes?

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Wednesday, 16 May 2012



sheer shirtdress - thrifted / shoes - H&M / sunglasses - asos

“ What you pursue is what you’re going to get.” - Dani Johnson

Very simple, very true. We all have dreams or certain things we want to achieve, but sometimes they just seem so far and unachievable. I wonder why? Maybe because way too often we pursue the wrong things. Some people pursue facebook, some TV, others spend their time pursuing the newest sports’ game results. So that’s what they get. Nothing more, nothing less. What are you pursuing? It’s time to put your time where it counts.

I really want to thank you, my loves, for being here and supporting me. Exciting things are happening, but without you this place would be nothing. I thank God for you every day, and I love talking to you! If you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me on facebook, twitter or shoot an email. You’re the best!

Much love!!

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Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Exciting News


I’m very excited to announce that as of today, I have become a member of Bloggers Wardrobe - an innovative way for bloggers and designers to connect. I told you about it here. I’m very excited to get to know all the designers and bloggers involved. Thanks, Mari, and the rest of the BW team, for giving me this chance! And even more exciting is that you, my lovely readers, still have a chance to join as well! Just click here and see if you’ve got what it takes!

Much love, babes!! Outfit post tomorrow.

Sunday, 13 May 2012



long cardigan - vintage Ralph Lauren / t-shirt - thrifted / cut-off leggings - old / choker - H&M / sandals - dolce vita

I have grown into this RL cardigan. I love that it is long and a bit dramatic, but thin enough to wear it on a bit cooler summer day. Why would someone give something like this away? On another note, I took a make-up class yesterday, and this is what they did to me. Very unusual to see myself with this much make-up. They put a lipstick on me as well, but that seemed a bit too much. What do you think? I definitely wouldn’t wear make-up like this every day, but once in a while it’s not too bad. I really like the effect of bronzer+blush on cheekbones.

If it’s mother’s day today in your country, I hope you’re having a good day with your moms! They are awesome.

Much love, babes!

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Thursday, 10 May 2012

open side shirt / DIY


To do this DIY your are going to need:

-a t-shirt

-elastic band (mine is 3/4” wide)



-thread and needle

I started off by making small cuts on top of the shoulders and ripping the sleeves off. On one side I didn’t stop and ripped all the way until the bottom, making that side completely open. Then I sew on the elastic bands to the front of the shirt. Make sure they are spread out evenly, and they are coming out from underneath the shirt. Then make small holes on the back of the shirt for the elastic bands to go through, attach velcro to the elastic bands, put them through the holes, fasten, and voi-la! Perfect shirt for super hot summer days! Let me know if you have any questions!

Much love!!

Something to listen to while you’re working on it.

  Softwar - Colour Flight Mix Series 'Orange’

A lot of new items out of my closet on ebay right here! (American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, BCBG etc.)

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Monday, 7 May 2012



top - thrifted / vintage Levi’s - thrifted / sunnies - asos

I feel bad for all the awesome bloggers in Europe… I’ve been reading a lot of “it’s so cold” posts. Atlanta has been a real Hotlanta for last couple of weeks so shorts are a girl’s best friend again. Just a simple outfit to get ice-cream and do a little thrifting in. Talking about thifting, I got some steals yesterday, but that’s a whole other story. And thanks supercool Eszter from pointing us to these sunglasses.

How was your weekend, babes??

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Saturday, 5 May 2012

Different Collar / DIY


I know that every time I post a DIY I say that it is so easy, and it does not need any explanation. The thing is, that is the truth. I like to make things that are easy to make. Like this white leather collar. Just cut out a rectangle and attach some velcro on each end. Great way to use up those leather leftovers from making the white leather top

And what do you think about my make-up today? Ever since I saw it on gorgeous Ivania’s blog Love Aesthetics, I’ve been completely obsessed. See her tutorial here.

Much love, babes!

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Thursday, 3 May 2012



shirt - American Apparel / Pants - Uniqlo / sandals - Dolce Vita

When I asked my husband to take pictures of this outfit couple of weeks ago, first thing he said was: “But you already have pictures of these clothes on your blog!” And he was right. You have seen this shirt (probably more than once), these pants, and the sandals. But not all together. We have all heard various fashion gurus state that the true art in style is to know how to mix and match a few garments rather than having a ton that you can wear once (bad paraphrasing). Anyway, I truly agree with that, and this is not a shopping blog, it’s a style blog so there you go.

Much love babes!!

PS. I am cleaning out my closet and listing some stuff on ebay. Right now there is Cheap Monday, some things from Urban Outfitters and some from H&M. Feel free to check it out here :)

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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

about that

shirt - Urban Outfitters / pants - thrifted / shoes - H&M / gold ear cuff - ebay

All I can say about this outfit is that it does not get a lot more comfortable than that.

An issue I want to touch is the controversy surrounding pro-ana and thinspiration. How do you feel about these issues? I am not a pro-ana supporter for obvious reasons. Nobody should ever starve themselves. However, there is another issue that comes to my mind. Our society has been programmed to regularly indulge in fast, processed foods. These foods are high in sugar, fat and God knows what other chemicals that we have no idea about their effect on our body. Obviously, one that eats food like that would find it difficult to stay fit, and say that the girls that are in good shape are anorexic and starving themselves. But is that really the case? From a personal experience I’d like to say no. Healthy food will not make you overweight. And I’m not talking lettuce for three meals a day. You might have noticed from some of my travel posts - I like to eat. My philosophy is that if you know the basic things about good food, you can definitely indulge once in a while. I love ice-cream and black chocolate is actually good for you (it’s all about being educated about what you eat). So the question that arises in my head is - Is this whole controversy another way to program people to eat bad food, overeat, and at the end just state that it is ok, that’s how it’s supposed to be, and the fit people are weirdos? Once again, I want to repeat that in no way do I support fad diets or starvation. Also I do understand that everyone is built different. There is no standard of how one should look. All I wanted to share and encourage is not going with the masses and just educating yourself about the food you put INSIDE your BODY. So what do you think? All opinions are more than welcome!!

Much love, babes!

PS. The reason I wanted to talk about this is that I strongly believe in a well-being as a whole, not just the cool outfits we wear. A healthy and happy person is always more beautiful.

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