Alright, I don’t know how to present this so it doesn’t sound too personal, but something has happened to me, and all I’m allowed to do is lay in bed for at least another week. Ok, occasional trips to kitchen are allowed, but I cannot even dream about doing outfit shots :( (also because my face is smashed, but that’s again getting too personal) Anyway, this is a little wish list post I’ve put together while downloading massive amounts of music, and desperately searching for good movies to watch. Maybe you have some suggestions? And talking about wish lists, I am now on
Fashiolista as well so if you would like to follow me on there, that’s great! I just think it’s a great way to share all the gems we’ve found!
Be happy, and appreciate your lives, my friends! There is definitely Someone that cares about you very much! I know it for a fact.
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