Wednesday 31 October 2012

You are a painter.



top - ℅ Sugarlips / skirt - DIY (instructions here) / boots - also seen here


Something I wrote exactly 2 years ago, but it still applies today: "“I am no painter,” Michelangelo wrote in his journal after an excruciating workday that he had spent creating the spectacular fresco of Adam and God on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel. This artwork had been taking Michelangelo a long time, and he felt tired and discouraged.

Now we all know how absurd this statement of his has been because Michelangelo’s work has been admired for centuries. However, at that point it seemed like reality for him. What is the reality for people now? Often there are moments when we feel like there is nothing we can offer to this world, nothing that would stand out, and the creative spirit within us is just something we wish we had. But will this also be the reality after years? Or maybe when you look back at this time everything might seem in different colors?”

PS. This week I have the honor to be Sugarlips Style Icon which means I’ll be styling a couple more beautiful pieces from Sugarlips on here and you can check out my page and picks on Sugarlips website as well. Hope you enjoy it!!

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