Wednesday 21 November 2012

“A” line skirt / Outfit

jacket - ℅ Sugarlips / skirt - handmade / sewing machine - vintage Singer


“A” line skirts is something that has gotten a lot of my attention this season. They are not very flattering, especially if knee-length or longer, but for some reason that is exactly what I like. Yesterday my mom was nagging me about my bleached eye-brows (again), and something she said stuck with me. “Why are you trying to take away from your beauty?” was a question she asked and, to be honest, I didn’t have an answer. I never thought of it that way, but I guess I am somehow attracted to things that in our world might be perceived as unattractive and maybe even ugly.  Why is that? What do you think? Is there something you like that the majority of people might not agree with?

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