Monday, 31 December 2012

Gold dipped hands / BEAUTY



New Years eve is almost here and I know most of you are probably getting ready to celebrate with your loved ones. If your nails are not done yet, here’s a solution that will be extraordinary and add the perfect amount of shine to any simple and minimalistic outfit out there - spray paint you nails and a bit of your fingers golden. I’m not going to lie, this manicure will probably last only one night as the spray paint washes of pretty easily, but that’s all you need for now, right? And you don’t have to worry about your jewelry either - gold dipped hands are enough.

Happy New Year, my babes!! I’m extremely thankful for each and every one of you and wish you all the best. You know it. If you need any help setting goals and getting yourself motivated for the next year, just remember all the things you dreamed of after reading this post.

Much love, see you in 2013!!!

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Friday, 28 December 2012

I’m all UrbanEars / OUTFIT


vest - Christmas gift / skirt - DIY (see here) / headphones - UrbanEars via Bloggers Wardrobe

"Build bridges, not walls.” Something that I heard and it has stuck with me. What does that mean to you?

Also, what are your plans for NYE, babes?

And, since I’m a bit of a music junkie, I’m really excited about my new UrbanEars! Thanks, friends at Bloggers Wardrobe! I’ll be listening to this:

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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Merry First Blizzard !

hoodie - NIKE / coat - thrifted + DIY (here) / beanie - husband’s high school

I hope it has been merry for you and yours, my loves!

We are snowed in so I’ve been embracing my old Nike hoodie with a beanie and a long coat. I really like the way my “dressy” coat contradicts with the hoodie… and I’m also embracing something that caught my eye on Marc Jacobs Spring 2013 runway. Can you guess what? After holidays are over, spring is just around the corner!! (My thinking during the FIRST snow-storm of this winter)

Also, I’ve had the honor to guest blog for IFB! Read my article on why your income follows your personal growth here

Much love, babes!!

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Friday, 21 December 2012

Black, White, Gold / Outfit




coat - vintage + DIY (instructions here) / sweater, jeans - thrifted / boots - UO + DIY (the post where I spray painted the tips golden has disappeared (!), but that’s really all I did ) / clutch - Vintage by Fe via Bloggers Wardrobe

It was a mild Sunday. I could wear my coat open and have my ankles exposed.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

°N Style Magazine / Interview


Photographer : Duo Blau / Stylist: Malin Lindqvist
/ Makeup & hair: Hanna Birgersson / Retouch: Johanna Widblorn Hilli /
Model: Nike P (MIKAs Agency)

Photos  - ℅ Soffía
Theódóra Tryggvadóttir

Strong yet minimal styling, goal setting mindset and courageously stepping out of the box are just some of the characteristics that describe °N Style Magazine and it’s editor-in-chief Soffía Theódóra Tryggvadóttir, thus it seemed natural to share the magazine with you. Read my interview with Iceland native now living in NYC Soffía and keep pushing.

1. What motivated you to start Nordic Style

My drive to be independent and work with beautiful
and inspiring things motivated me to start the magazine. Every time I visit the
Scandinavia and Finland the fashion always amazes me and I have multiple times
wondered why fashion from this part of the world doesn't get more exposure. The
Nordic countries are known for its designs and have been for a long time. But
it is evident that fashion is on the rise in Scandinavia so I wanted to
participate in the growth and do my part in giving Nordic fashion and design
more exposure.

2. How do you set goals for yourself?

I have always been a big goal setter since I was
just very young. I set short term and long term goals for my personal life,
work and school, which I adjust according to where I'm headed. From the first
day when the idea for the magazine came about I made goals for the first year
of the magazine and then what we want to achieve in five years time, I hope
some of the goals will come true. Goal-setting is an important
tool to let you keep going and aim for something. If you don't know where you
are heading or trying to head, you just go through life aimlessly and most
likely achieve less than your potentials.

3. How do you overcome challenges?

I just keep on going. I don't think I have ever
quit something that I have started because it was difficult. I like challenges
and I like overcoming them, I just try not to let the challenges overwhelm me
and prefer not to think about how difficult things can be. It helps just to
have faith in yourself and that you are confident that you can achieve what you
are going for.

4. How do you perceive minimalism in fashion and

For me minimalism is obviously not overdoing it in
how you express yourself or live your life, letting fashion pieces or design
pieces own its space. Make something wonderful from what you've got. Minimalism
in lifestyle is I think what the Danish like to say "at hygge sig",
just relax, enjoy the moment and don't worry to much. I actually find that
hard to do.

Check out °N Style Magazine website and read
the first issue right here!!

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Monday, 17 December 2012

the invisible pants



blazer - ℅ Sugarlips / boyfriend jeans, silk tee - thrifted

Thanks to lovely Jackie from Sugarlips for this blazer that I fell in love with because of the contradicting combination of a casual material that jersey is and chic cut of a blazer. Best things sometimes are created when two unrelated concepts come together. Have a week full off pushing contradictions, babes!!

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Friday, 14 December 2012

DESIGN your joy

sources are all pinned here

First off, I want to warn you. The more you’ll close your mind, the less you will like this post. So before you read this, decide if you’re going to be open and try to get something out of this for yourself or be all “judgy”. If you are the case NO2, don’t ruin your mood and day, and just skip to the next blog post in your reader. :)

When being in an industry such as fashion or really any creative industry, one can have very high highs and super low lows. One day, week, month you are a part of it all, in the middle of action, creation and adoration. Cloud 9, I’d say. Then a few days pass, and everything gets quiet. If you are in a creative position and always striving, you know how that feels. It can get pretty depressing. In a video with Coco Rocha, Zac Posen shares a very simple reality. He says, “Fashion is interesting. People love you one minute, they don’t like you the next minute.” So how do you go through these times where you are feeling that the world is spinning without you?

I am not religious (the word religion actually means “back to bondage”), but God IS my NO1 priority. So as I was reading the Bible and praying the other day, something came to my mind. “My joy comes from the Lord.” Obviously, I had read that before, but this time it really hit me. My God is never changing and always trustworthy. And if He’s my priority, and He is never changing, and if I put my joy in Him, then I better make sure my joy never changes as well. So no matter how high or low I’m feeling, I should always be joyful, because my never changing God is the source of my joy.

Now how can you apply this if you are not a believer? Look at your priorities! Is it family? Appreciate it! So maybe today the fruit of your hard work and creative passion are not showing. It’s ok! You know they will tomorrow, you will be on your high again, believe me. Everything always ends well, deep down you know it. However, today is the day you will find something in your life that is not changing, that really matters and gives you joy.

PS. Those of you that are still questioning the reason of this post on a so called “fashion blog”, please remember that I’ve always said that as cliche as it sounds, what is going on on the inside is what really affects the outside, and I care about your over all well being. Let’s DESIGN our clothes, styles, and LIVES! Heated comments are always welcome ;) I love you!

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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Faux Leather Vest - Harness / DIY





All I want to do lately is listen to Lykke Li (yeah, I might have a slight crush on her and probably not very good remixes) and create. Once you start, it’s easy to just keep going. You make a top and then you have scraps to make a tote. You make another tank and then you figure you can make a collar and a leather harness. Then a skirt/dress that is followed by a fanny pack. And then another different top… And this is what I made from the scarps that were left from making it - a faux leather vest / harness. Just eating cookies, drinking hot cinnamon tea with lemon, listening to some good music and creating. That is what I call a good night.

Much love to you, my babes!! If something is not clear on the making steps, please feel free to ask questions.

I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li (The Magician Remix)

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Sunday, 9 December 2012

black on black on a search

sweater - Whyred via Bloggers Wardrobe / coat - thrifted + DIY (instructions here) / clutch - Vintage by Fe via Bloggers Wardrobe / boots - Jeffrey Campbell


How interesting that one moment a person can be overflowing with inspiration and motivation and another moment one can feel so dried out. Where do you get your visual inspiration?

Also, if I disappear like this again, make sure to check my instagram (@karinadej), there might be more action going on there because I’m out and about searching for inspiration.