Wednesday 12 December 2012

Faux Leather Vest - Harness / DIY





All I want to do lately is listen to Lykke Li (yeah, I might have a slight crush on her and probably not very good remixes) and create. Once you start, it’s easy to just keep going. You make a top and then you have scraps to make a tote. You make another tank and then you figure you can make a collar and a leather harness. Then a skirt/dress that is followed by a fanny pack. And then another different top… And this is what I made from the scarps that were left from making it - a faux leather vest / harness. Just eating cookies, drinking hot cinnamon tea with lemon, listening to some good music and creating. That is what I call a good night.

Much love to you, my babes!! If something is not clear on the making steps, please feel free to ask questions.

I Follow Rivers - Lykke Li (The Magician Remix)

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