Saturday 5 January 2013

Saturday Night DETAILS

Last night was a very lucky thrifting night for me. I scored these pointy black boots with quilted top, mixed metal ring and earrings that my husband says look like shower curtain rings. I haven’t worn earrings in a long time, especially not this big, but I really like the fact that they are white and so tacky. Also today during Blogbrunch Judith shared something that really stuck with me: “identity, not identical”. As long as I stay true to my simple identity, it’s ok to venture out and put on some huge earrings. I don’t have to always look identical. So yes, these are going to be the details of my tonight’s outfit. I will also take on Robin’s Monochromatic Make-up challenge. Some of you are already joining me and I’m really excited about that. Those who are just now finding out about it, join the fun and share! Also, what do you like to do to sometimes step out of your normal style?

Happy Saturday, babes!!

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