Saturday 16 February 2013

Erin Barr FW13 / MBFWNY

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Photos ℅ Brynne of MAO + me

Remember when I introduced you to Erin Barr and told you that her show was one of the most exciting ones for me to attend? Well, it was everything I expected. From the choice of location to the last look of the collection, this show was an absolute aesthetic magic. Shirt - dresses, silk, zippers, high slits and 90ies minimalism inspired cuts and shapes is something I’d be happy to wear this fall. And, honestly, always.

If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw that after the show I got to meet the beautiful designer herself, only to discover that this collection is a true reflection of her personal style. She shared that minimalism is about a lifestyle for her and a tomboyish style is no stranger to her either. 

See Erin Barr’s collections here.

Happy weekend, sweet cakes!

PS. One thing I discovered during Fashion Week was that if you don’t have a personal photographer, it is pretty tough to take outfit photos during the hectic schedule. Thus, I’ll try to recreate some of my outfits soon and post them from the comfort of my own home. I hope you can understand.

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