Tuesday 28 December 2010

Sweetheart I Ain’t Your Christ

Holiday season gives me plenty of reasons to wear dresses. Here’s my outfit for one of the Christmas parties.

Dress, necklace, ring - Urban Outfitters

Tights - House of Holland (River Island)

Boots - Jeffrey Campbell (
I just heard this song a week ago, and the lyrics really spoke to me. They are true for everybody because so often we expect people provide us with something that only God can give.

I hope this holiday season has been blessed for you and so will be the year 2011!!!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

More than EVER

For me this week so far has been a music obsession week to the fullest. On Monday I attended Arcade Fire concert with Vampire Weekend as their special guests. Needless to say, the show was amazing. The Irish are absolutely obsessed with Arcade Fire, and now I know why. Their live performances are strong both quality and presence wise. During their show once again I realized how much I love creative people.

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Then I found out there would be a Caribou concert on Thursday. Unfortunately, the show is sold out as the venue they have chosen is very small and intimate. However, that got me into mood of listening to Caribou, and, of course, discovering new music crushes. My favorite thing about Mice Parade is their visually very appealing and up to date videos.  You can definitely get some style inspiration from a video like this.

My music obsession week is going to end with a Kings of Leon concert on Saturday. I would say that is a classic because I don’t like to admit that I like something commercial. As you can see, there are great shows taking place in Dublin constantly so if you decide to visit Dublin, definitely look into what is available to satisfy your taste.

Fashion wise, I would like to share with you my new Jeffrey Campbell shoe obsession. Couple days ago I ordered these beautiful boots, and I cannot wait to incorporate them into my outfits.